We’ve Got the Beat

09 Jan 24
Even while providing high-quality radiographic images to students and residents, the Oral Radiology team likes to have fun making TikTok-like dance videos.
WHO SAYS WORK HAS TO BE a grind? Not the team of radiological technicians, residents and students hard at work in Ostrow’s Oral Radiology Department. Amid the flurry of X-rays they take for patients, the team has found a way to blow off some steam — making TikTok-like dance videos. It started earlier this year when Associate Professor of Clinical Dentistry Elham Radan entered the clinic, announcing it was Nowruz, the Persian New Year.
The idea came up to make a dance video and, at the end, wish everyone a happy new year. Within five minutes, they made their first video. “I was surprised that the staff could follow the moves so quickly, and we looked pretty coordinated,” Radan says. Since then, the group has created three more videos — some, like the one set to Jain’s “Makeba” are just for fun; others, like one about using the rectangular collimation to limit patient’s exposure to radiation, are educational. It didn’t take long for the students to jump in. “Some are shy, but I tell them the moves are easy and that they can do it. I love it when they join in and have a few minutes of loosening up,” Radan says. “They work hard and, for a few minutes, they can unwind.”
At the end of the day, it’s all about supporting our students for the radiological team. “I constantly think about what I can do to make learning a fun experience,” she says. “Students send me messages all the time, and they appreciate the support they get in our clinic — emotionally, diagnostically and technically.”
Click thumbnails below to see the Radiology Dancers in action:
“Rectangular Collimation”
“Calm Down”
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