Student Research
Programs, Groups, and Activities
Ostrow prepares clinician-scientists to push the boundaries of discovery and provide leadership in their specialized fields.
Ostrow’s Craniofacial Biology PhD program prepares students for careers in academic environments as leaders in the science of oral health.
We also offer a Graduate Certificate in Craniofacial Biology to provide dentists with postgraduate dental education in this specialized area.
The MS/DDS dual-degree program in gerontology and dentistry extends over five years and is offered cooperatively by Ostrow and the USC Davis School of Gerontology. Graduate students are trained to address the challenges of oral healthcare in older patients.
Dental and dental hygiene students have opportunities to work alongside Ostrow’s outstanding dental investigators to gain skills in evidence-based dentistry during their training. Ostrow’s learner-centered approach is complemented by the Student Research Group, which promotes student success in research through presentations on campus and at national conferences, as well as networking opportunities.
Program Director Parish Sedghizadeh
Incoming DDS students have opportunities to conduct high-quality research during the summer months through the Summer Dental Student Research Program. Application materials are sent to all incoming DDS students.
LINKS The Explorer 2024
Each spring, the Ostrow community gathers to showcase innovative research being conducted by faculty, staff and students in dentistry, dental hygiene, physical therapy, biokinesiology, occupational science and occupational therapy. The event includes invited speakers and a poster session, with awards presented to the best posters in several categories. Research Day is commemorated by The Explorer, an award-winning journal produced each year by the Ostrow Student Research Group.