The Urgent Care and Dental Trauma Center specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental emergencies.

Under the supervision of expert faculty dentists, USC dental students offer the following services:
- Treat infection
- Remove decay
- Replace broken fillings
- Repair tooth fractures
- Treat dental traumatic injuries
If you have a life-threatening or severe injury, call 911 or go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room. Our clinic does not provide treatment around the clock.
Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. for each session. Registration ends at 2 p.m. each day.
Bring your valid photo ID, such as a California driver’s license, California ID card, passport or other government-issued ID.

After Hours Contact for Current Patients (213) 740-2805 After Hours Contact for Members of the Public LOS ANGELES GENERAL MEDICAL CENTER (323) 409-1000 After Hours Contact for Current USC Students USC Student Health
After-hours service is only available to patients who are currently receiving treatment from us. For an emergency, outside of normal business hours, call (213) 740-2805.
Note that if the on-call dentist meets you at the dental school outside of normal business hours and determines that the problem could have waited until the school was open or was not related to current treatment, you may be subject to a $350 surcharge.
If you have a dental emergency and are not a current patient, contact another dental facility, such as the Los Angeles General Medical Center at (323) 409-1000.
If your dental emergency is life-threatening, call 911 or go to the closest emergency room.
After your initial exam, we will notify you of the fee for emergency treatment. Emergency visits typically cost from $59 to $350, based on individual needs.
We accept Denti-Cal insurance for certain limited and emergency treatment. Denti-Cal patients must bring their Beneficiary Identification Card (BIC). All other patients must pay with cash or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
If you are a current comprehensive patient and have an emergency during normal business hours:
1. Contact your student doctor/resident
2. Call (213) 740-1576 or
3. Come to the Urgent Care and Dental Trauma Center