The Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry can provide you a wide range of dental care services.

Dental students and residents (dentists in training) provide high-quality care at reduced rates. Since our students are learning under supervision, treatment times are sometimes longer than in private practice clinics. You may need several appointments to complete your treatment.
For more information, call (213) 740-2805.

Contact Information (213) 740-5094 CLINIC HOURS LINKS PAYING FOR DENTAL CARE
The Dr. Roseann Mulligan Special Patients Clinic provides services to medically compromised, disabled and elderly patients.
Dental students and residents provide care under the supervision of our expert faculty dentists and hygienists.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in becoming a patient at the Special Patients Clinic is scheduling an initial consultation appointment. A referral from your dentist is not required.
All patients are required to present government-issued photo identification.
Paying for your Care
The initial consultation appointment will cost $88, which includes the cost of X-rays.
We accept Denti-Cal insurance. Denti-Cal patients must bring their Beneficiary Identification Card (BIC). All other patients must pay with cash or credit card.
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
Contact Information TEL (213) 740-1545 FAX (213) 740-7064 CLINIC HOURS LINKS PAYING FOR DENTAL CARE
Endodontics is the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the roots of the teeth. We aim to save patients’ natural teeth by restoring dental health and function.
Residents (dentists in training) provide treatment under the supervision of expert faculty.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in becoming a patient in the Endodontic Clinic is a referral from your dentist. Referrals may be faxed to (213) 740-7064.
All patients are required to present government-issued photo identification. Please also bring your full mouth X-rays to your appointment.
Paying for your Dental Care
We accept Denti-Cal insurance. Denti-Cal patients must bring their Beneficiary Identification Card (BIC). All other patients must pay with cash or credit card.
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
Contact Information Tel (213) 740-1180 Fax (213) 821-0879 CLINIC HOURS LINKS PAYING FOR DENTAL CARE
The Advanced Operative and Adhesive Dentistry Clinic addresses dental problems such as tooth wear/erosion, a dysfunctional smile, lesions, fractures, discolorations and white spots.
Residents (dentists in training) treat patients under the supervision of expert faculty dentists.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in receiving treatment is to schedule an initial consultation appointment. A referral from your dentist can be provided but is not required. Referrals can be faxed to (213) 821-0879.
All patients are required to present government-issued photo identification. Please also bring your full mouth X-rays to your appointment.
Paying for your Dental Care
The fee for your initial consultation appointment will range from $55 to $95.
After your initial consultation, we’ll schedule a treatment-planning appointment, which will cost $250 (non-refundable). If you proceed with the prescribed treatment plan, this fee will be applied toward the cost of your treatment.
We do not accept Denti-Cal. All other patients must pay with cash or credit card.
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
Contact Information Tel (213) 740-1583 Fax (213) 740-7509 CLINIC HOURS LINKS PAYING FOR DENTAL CARE
The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic treats diseases, injuries, tumors and deformities of the face and jaws that may require surgery or tooth extraction.
Residents (dentists in training) treat patients under the supervision of expert faculty dentists.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in receiving treatment is to schedule an initial consultation appointment. A referral from your dentist is required. Referrals can be faxed to (213) 740-7509.
All patients are required to present government-issued photo identification. Please also bring your full mouth X-rays to your appointment.
If you have a dental emergency after hours or on weekends, you may call the L.A. County+USC Medical Center at (323) 409-7309 and ask for the oral surgery resident on duty.
Paying for your Dental Care
The fee for your initial consultation appointment will range from $45 to $85.
We accept Delta Dental Premiere as well as Denti-Cal insurance. Denti-Cal patients must bring their Beneficiary Identification Card (BIC). All other patients must pay with cash or credit card.
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
The Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Clinic specializes in treating patients with oral disease and oral pain, including chronic headaches, teeth grinding, jaw disorders and breathing issues.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in receiving care at the Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Clinic is to schedule an initial consultation. Our clinic does not accept walk-in patients. A referral from your dentist is not required.
All patients are required to present valid photo identification. Please also bring your full mouth X-rays to your appointment.
Aplicación Para Pacientes Nuevos
Paying for your Dental Care
We accept Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal PPO, Medicare PPO, Blue Cross PPO and Aetna PPO. Patients must bring insurance card in on their first appointment, along with a government-issued ID. Note: Blue Cross PPO and Aetna PPO must be in-network with our provider. We do not accept any HMO plans.
Payment is expected for all services as they are provided. Our clinic accepts cash, checks, money orders and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express).
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
Contact Information Tel (213) 740-0406 Fax (213) 740-5715 CLINIC HOURS LINKS PAYING FOR DENTAL CARE
Orthodontic treatment helps teeth line up correctly, using braces or other devices.
Residents (dentists in training) provide treatment under the direct supervision of faculty orthodontists.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in getting treatment at the Orthodontic Clinic is to schedule an initial consultation. During your appointment, our dentists will determine if braces are appropriate for you. For those who need braces, we offer metal, clear or color braces, as well as clear aligner treatment.
Because we are a teaching and research institution, patients are selected on the basis of teaching merit. Unfortunately, this means that not all patients will be accepted for treatment.
We are presently not accepting patients who:
- Wish to transfer from other offices or programs
- Already have braces on their teeth
- Need dental implants (unless referred directly from the USC Prosthodontic Clinic)
- Have had braces removed within the past five years
- We currently can accept only a very limited number of adult patients (over age 18), with the exception of USC faculty, students and staff.
Paying for Your Orthodontic Care
There is an initial consultation fee, which will be applied toward the cost of orthodontic treatment.
We do not accept Denti-Cal. Payment plans are available.
All patients are required to present government-issued photo identification.
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
Contact Information (213) 740-0412 CLINIC HOURS LINKS PAYING FOR DENTAL CARE
The Pediatric Dentistry Clinic provides services for infants, children and adolescents (ages 1-12), including those with special needs, in a relaxing, caring environment made especially for young patients.
Residents (dentists in training) provide treatment under the supervision of expert faculty dentists. Not all patients are considered appropriate for treatment.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in having your child (ages 1-12) seen at the Pediatrics Clinic is to schedule an initial consultation. A referral from a dentist is not required.
Parents of all patients are required to present government-issued photo identification. Please also bring your child’s full mouth X-rays to your appointment.
Paying for your Dental Care
We accept Denti-Cal insurance. Denti-Cal patients must bring their Beneficiary Identification Card (BIC). All other patients must pay with cash or credit card.
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
Contact Information TEL (213) 740-1545 fax (213) 740-7064 CLINIC HOURS LINKS PAYING FOR DENTAL CARE
Periodontics is the study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries to the gums, connective tissues and bones surrounding the teeth. Periodontists can also place implants in areas of missing teeth.
Our residents (dentists in training) perform all of the surgical treatments and dental implants under the supervision of expert faculty dentists.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in becoming a patient in the Periodontic Clinic is a referral from your dentist. Referrals can be faxed to (213) 740-7064.
All patients are required to present government-issued photo identification.
Paying for your Dental Care
We do not accept Denti-Cal. Patients must pay with cash or credit card.
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
Contact Information Tel (213) 740-1545 Fax (213) 740-7064 CLINIC HOURS LINKS PAYING FOR DENTAL CARE
Prosthodontics is the treatment, rehabilitation and maintenance of oral function, comfort, appearance and health for patients with missing or deficient teeth or tissues. Prosthodontists can replace teeth with implants or dentures and correct misalignment of teeth.
Residents (dentists in training) provide treatment under the supervision of expert faculty dentists.
Becoming a Patient
The first step in becoming a patient in the Prosthodontic Clinic is a referral from your dentist. Referrals can be faxed to (213) 740-7064.
All patients are required to present government-issued photo identification.
Paying for your Prosthodontic Care
The initial consultation appointment costs $55. After your initial consultation, we’ll schedule a treatment-planning appointment, which will cost $500 (non-refundable). If you proceed with the prescribed treatment plan, this fee will be applied toward the cost of your treatment.
We do not accept Denti-Cal. Payment plans are available.
Click here for more information about paying for your dental care.
The Urgent Care and Dental Trauma Center specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of dental emergencies.