Community Oral Health Programs Serve Women Veterans in Need
24 Jul 12
Ostrow School of Dentistry Community Oral health Programs faculty, staff, and students provided free dental services for female veterans on July 20 on the University Park Campus.
The outreach, targeted toward homeless female veterans and other women veterans in need, was part of the 2nd Annual Female Veterans Stand Down organized by U.S. Vets Inc. Along with dental care, veterans received medical and vision screenings, legal and financial advice, housing help, benefit assistance, employment and job interview counseling, wellness and beauty services, free food, live entertainment, and more.
Ostrow volunteers staffed two Neighborhood Mobile Clinic vehicles to provide dental and oral cancer screenings. Veterans also received oral hygiene instruction, free dental supplies, and referrals to low- or no-cost clinics near their homes, including Ostrow School of Dentistry clinics.
Unemployed Army veteran Carrie Simpson, who recently relocated to Los Angeles from Houston, Texas, received a dental screening and a referral to the USC Union Rescue Mission Dental Clinic for further dental care. She said the care and assistance was part of a “wonderful welcome to L.A.”
“I really appreciate everyone who’s serving and volunteering their time. They’re good and patient with everybody,” Simpson said.
She said she hopes fixing her teeth and improving her dental health will help her find a job, noting that “the first thing you show someone is your smile.”
Niel Nathason, section chair of Community Dentistry, described the scope of need that veterans face, noting a high percentage of veterans are unemployed and Los Angeles is home to the largest concentration of homeless veterans, more than 10 percent of which are women.
“We should never hear the words ‘homeless’ and ‘veteran’ together,” he said. “When we help veterans, it’s a win-win for our community, for the patients, and for our students.”
Kathy Elizondo, director of the USC Union Rescue Mission Dental Clinic, said the services offered by the Ostrow School of Dentistry’s community outreach efforts are important for veterans, especially since so many have limited access to affordable dental care. It’s also important for the dental students who serve veterans and other populations in need, she added.
“Students who work with this population realize the need and will hopefully work more with them in the future,” Elizondo said. “It’s an eye-opener.”
Roseann Mulligan, associate dean of Community Health Programs and Hospital Affairs and chair of the Division of Dental Public Health & Pediatric Dentistry, said dental care is a critical need for veterans and plays an important role in overall health.
“The number one need for our homeless female veterans is dental care. Once oral health is obtained, significant improvement in not only oral health but also general health and self-esteem accrues,” she said. “Clearly, dental health is an important contributor to the rehabilitation needs for our female vets.”
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